How often does it happen that you watch a movie and you can’t take your eyes off the costumes? Everything is so refined, sophisticated, and elegant. We like watching movies!
Here is a number of quality pictures that are aesthetically perfect and can be endless source of inspiration. We collected some of our favorite movies and want to share them with you.
Atonement (2007)
Atonement is a story about how the irresponsible words and actions of one girl can ruin the real lives of others.
We can clearly see why the costume designers of the “Atonement” were nominated for an Oscar. With the help of these fantastic outfits, this story of broken love becomes more touching and multifaceted.
Ian McEwan's novel takes place in 1935, at a time when there were popular more simple silhouettes. Thin straps and a flowing, airy skirt, a stunning cut on the back, and a central slit that reveals the length of the actress's legs - all this, to some extent, reflects the era's mood.
To create the famous green dress, the costume designer Jacqueline Durran looked into fashion archives from the 1930s - and yet you won't find a single dress that looks like the movie, as the silhouette is partly inspired by Art Deco. The costume designer acknowledged this anachronism and said that in this way, the dress adapted to the stage and a purely aristocratic style.

Rebecca (2020)
The story takes place in the 1930s, and fashion plays a huge role here. It was a time when women were just starting to wear pants, and their clothes became less formal.
The image of Lily James, who plays the leading role, is inspired by the most determined women of the time - Coco Chanel and the Duchess of Windsor. She is brave and active, as her costumes suggest. Refuse of high collars and long skirts, and the use of sports jerseys, wide pants, brown woolen suits, quilted vests, tweed jackets, and light dresses helps her to dominate and show a stable character.

Far from the madding crowd (2015)
The setting of Tomas Hardy’s novel takes place in 1874. But the director of the movie Thomas Winterberg wanted to avoid the crinolines characteristic of the Victorian era, so he moved the story to 1880 when fashion suddenly turned to more modern silhouettes for a woman who rides a horse, climbs stairs, and jumps into a sheep pond.
We can see as the costumes develop with the main character - Bathsheba. From the phase of poverty, when she appears in the form of a simple rural girl, turning into a business woman with a serious attitude to her duties on the farm, and to the phase, when she is already a married woman and constantly wears jackets.
But the most interesting thing is that Bathsheba's costumes are also very modern. You can easily adapt them to the nowadays.

The Edge of Love (2008)
The Edge of Love is set in London in 1940, in the midst of the Battle of Britain. The outlooks of the movie have been all over the fashion pages in many magazines for its fabulous period styling. Long cardigans, shabby-chic casual skirts, and pussy-blow blouses, woolen pea coats, vintage dresses.
Keira Knightley and Sienna Miller, who play the main characters, gave a fresh new look to the knee-high socks and wellingtons combined with floral tea dresses and well-worn cardies. After watching the movie, you just want to steal their look.

Don’t forget, your life can be your movie! Choose the style you want, and check our Orangerie! We are ready to be your costume designers.